Monday, January 27, 2020

Activities of Living Model Case Study

Activities of Living Model Case Study Assessment -> diagnosis -> plan -> intervention -> evaluation Section 1: Brief introduction to the person: (max 200 words) Anna is a 42 year old lady who has Rett syndrome and severe learning disability. Anna was born after a normal pregnancy. Anna has one brother and a sister who does not have learning disability or any specific health problems. Anna has been in the care for the last 11 years. Anna lived with her parents until 2001. Her mother used to be her primary carer. Currently Anna lives in a 4 bedroom bungalow with two other ladies, who also have learning disabilities. Part of social life she goes to the day service three days a week. She seems to enjoy up there. Anna enjoys listening to the radio while she is resting in her room. She can give an good eye contact when talk to her. To avoid a breach of confidentiality service user will be referred to as â€Å"Anna†, a pseudonym (NMC, 2008) Due to Anna’s severe learning disability and extremely limited communication skills she is unable to understand, retain or communicate an informed decision regarding consent to the contents of this assessment. In accordance with Mental Capacity Act (2005), following discussion with support staff, family and relevant health and social care professionals, this care plan is deemed to be in Anna’s best interests given the potential risks to her health and well-being. Section 2: 1000 WORDS Assessment based on Roper, Logan Tierney’s Activities of Living Model (1980). Some headings can be very brief if there are no specific issues for the person in that area of their life. Please also consider the age of the person and their level of independence / dependence for each area. Activities of Living The activities of living listed in the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing are: 1. Maintaining Safe Environment Anna is dependent on staff to keep her safe. She exhibits bodily movements which interfere with normal safe eating and drinking. On occasions these erratic movements are so extreme as to put her at increased risk of physical injury. She can cause small wounds to her face, limbs and torso due to her repetitive stereotypical hand and arm movements. During the period of her erratic and uncontrolled movements put her at risk of aspiration and chocking. The uncontrolled movement can also cause lose some of her medication which is very essential for her physical wellbeing. When she settle after a seizure she is more likely to sleepy. During this time excessive production of saliva can affect her breathing / blocking the airway. Both Anna and staff are at risk of injury due to her flailing arms and legs. Also it is not safe to do the manual handling. When she displaying extreme body movements it not safe to transport her which can affect her attendance at day services. Anna’s dysphasia can increase the risk of aspiration and may can cause chest infection. Communicating Anna has no formalised system of communication through which to make her need/wishes known and is totally reliant on others to anticipate her needs. Even though she has very good eye contact. She has no active say regarding any aspect of her life. She is open to speech and Language Therapy services but this mainly for dysphasia. Communication and sensory integration assessment have been done in the past with very limited success (2011-12) Breathing Anna has abnormal breathing patterns which is common in Rett syndrome. Anna will show signs of shortness of breath which is causing her distress and/ or pain. Shortness of breath can lead to cyanosis. This most likely to occur after a prolonged seizure or when she has chest infection. If her oxygen saturation levels are reading below the usual baseline ie 93% or less Her range is 94-97%) oxygen is administrated as per prescribed. Eating and Drinking Anna has no functional use of her hand and she is fully depending on others to assist with her eating and drinking. She does eat and drink well, it seems she enjoy her meal. She has been assessed by the Speech and Language Therapy to be at the risk of aspiration. Anna has liquidised food and thickened drink. Anna has dysphasia which can contribute to an increased risk of coughing , chocking, aspiration and recurring respiratory tract infections Elimination Anna is unable to take herself to the toilet and has no formalised system of communication to alert others of her need to go to the toilet. Anna is incontinent of both urine and faeces with an associated potential for skin breakdown. Anna is prone to constipation. Personal Cleansing and Dressing Anna is unable to do her personal hygiene independently due to her complex health needs. Due to her erratic movements she cannot be bathed conventionally. She has had recent urinary tract infection, which may have been the result of faecal contamination of the vaginal area. At present Anna has the bed bath everyday with Aqueous cream (soap substitute) to help with her dry skin. Diprobase moisturiser is available as PRN for dry skin to prevent the risk of skin breakdown. Anna is unable to independently manage her oral hygiene needs and requires full support in this aspect of her care in order to maintain healthy teeth gums. Anna’s oral hygiene is maintained daily. Her positioning during and after oral hygiene procedures are important in order to minimise the risk of aspiration including silent aspiration. Controlling Body Temperature Anna’s normal temperature range for observations is 36-37.5*C. Anna can experience difficulty in maintaining an even body temperature and it is prone to becoming suddenly cold or hot. She prefers moderations in temperature. Staff need to be able to recognise when Anna is becoming too hot. Staff recognise breathing difficulties and cyanosis during prolonged seizures and use the prescribed oxygen via a face mask if necessary. Mobilising Anna is non-ambulant. She is unable to stand or support her own weight but she can hold head up when alert. She requires a back rest and bilateral support to be able to maintain an upright seated position. She has a full range of movement in all her limbs. Anna’s preferred positioning of her legs is to hold her knees tightly in flexion. Anna has apraxia and is unable to perform controlled motor movements. Working and Playing Anna attends day services for three full days a week. Attendance at day service is depending on her health and safety in transporting (i.e. when displaying extreme body movements it is not safe to transport her). Expressing Sexuality Anna’s physical / sexual body development is normal. Anna does not appear to show any interest of a sexual nature with the same or opposite sex. Sleeping Anna has several opportunities to rest in her day chair or in her bed. However, she is likely to drop off to sleep. She can take longer time go to sleep at night and normally has several interruptions in sleep throughout the night. Dying As Anna is stable at the movement her parents are not mentally ready to talk about her end of life. It will be done in the future when required. Section 3: A nursing diagnosis is â€Å"a clinical judgement about an individual’s health needs which provided a basis for selecting nursing interventions, to achieve health gains or maintain health† (NANDA, 1992). For this section you are asked to consider what may be causing or contributing to the health care need what signs and symptoms led you to this diagnosis. Possible aetiology (cause): Anna is a 41 year old lady who has Rett syndrome and severe epilepsy. Anna is totally dependent on others for all aspects of her care and has complex health needs that fluctuate and greatly impact on her day to day activities. These health issues are likely to affect the quality of her life. The most possible cause of Anna’s self injury caused of her extreme erratic body movement can be because of severe epilepsy. She suffers tonic-clonic seizures. Occasionally, post-seizure. She will present with peripheral cyanosis and this most noticeable around her lips, earlobes, and mouth and figure tips. Defining characteristics (signs symptoms): Epilepsy Anna displays an unusually high tolerance to external pain. When Anna sustains a trauma type injury (bruising / abrasions / shear injuries) there is no discernible visible reaction. Staff working with Anna require the ability to make visual assessments of her injuries and have understanding of the implications if the visual symptoms of injuries. There is a risk that the severity of physical injuries may under assessed resulting in treatment mismanagement. It is believed that Anna does react to internal type pain such as menstrual pain, constipation or stomach pain. Anna experiences seizures of varying length and intensity. She used to experience on average 10-15 seizures each month but this had increased to daily seizures. Seizures can occur at any time during the day and night, but there is evidence to suggest that she prone to epileptic activity when asleep. Therefore, she has an alarm monitor which is under trial, whereby noises which accompany seizures activated a pager which the nurse can carry. She remains under the out-patient care of her consultant Neurologist (seen every 6-8 months). Video analysis is available to help diagnose exact seizure presentation and appropriate medical intervention. The use of rescue medication has also increased. She requires rectally administered diazepam for the treatment of status epilepticus. Suction may be required to control oral excretions and administration of oxygen via face mask may be necessary in the event of cyanosis. Buccal Midazzolam has been trialled in the past and although effective in halting the seizure activity, Anna went into status within hours (2006) or her clinical signs dipped significantly (2012). This was found to not be the case with Rectal Diazepam. Anna’s behaviour can be changed after a seizure activity. She will have very uncontrolled body movements mainly with hands and legs. The medication she have to control her seizure can make her depressed. Anna is on medication that required serum blood testing to ensure safe therapeutic levels and prevention of toxicity. This is believed to have occurred as recently as 2011 when Levetiracetam was believed to have caused her dangerous agitation (dose was 1500mg BD at that time). The following factors are known to reduce Anna’s seizure threshold: Menstruation Overheating Over-excitement When she is not well Constipation Anna has regular menstrual cycle. She can experiencedysmenorrhoea. She will have a loose bowl motions during her menstrual cycle. Anna also exhibits other events that may be mistaken for seizure activity: Hyperekpexia Eye – rolling Rett syndrome characteristics (jerks, tics) Section 4: People with complex health care needs often have a number of other non-nursing professionals working to help restore or maintain their health. Please discuss the contribution another profession has made to the assessment and their therapeutic interventions with the individual. Due to Anna’s difficulty in eating and drinking ( mainly during her extreme erratic body movements) she was referred to the speech and Language Theraphist ( SALT ). Anna has been assessed by Speech and Language Therapy to reduce the risk of aspiration / silent aspiration when eating and drinking. According to the SALT Anna has been diagnosed with dysphasia (SALT report, 2011). She is at risk of aspiration of food and fluids, as these do not always clear from her oropharyngeal cavity during meals. The SALT visited Anna at home and gathered all the information about her eating and drinking difficulties from the staff. Assessment has consisted of observation of mealtimes, discussed with staff and monitor at meal times by staff. Speech Language therapist made referral for videofluoroscopy assessment in 2012. After the videofluoroscopy SALT advised to give mouthful of drink in-between her meal. Coughing charts were implemented for both eating and drinking between initial assessment and review. The charts indicated that Anna was coughing when eating and drinking. The recommendations made by Speech and Language Therapy was to avoid mixed textures i.e. soup and stews with bits or high risk of lumpy food. And replace these with a soft alternative, or liquidised soups. It can help her to prevent the risk of aspiration pneumonia. When Anna has liquidised food it is very important to make sure there are no lumps. For example, mashed potato is very likely to have lumps which may cause chocking. Speech and Language therapy also recommended Anna must have a drink with any meal, and mouthfuls of drink must be given during the meal. It is helping her to clear her airway and to enjoy the meal. Anna should not to be fed when she is sleepy or drowsy as fatigue can result in an increased risk of aspiration. If Anna showing extreme bodily movement when the meal or drink is to take place, the second carer is to place themselves at the side of her, and using their forearm, palm facing downwards. Use a blocking technique to lower Anna’s arms down to her lap and gently rest their palm and dingers together on her further chest long bone. While feeding Anna it is very essential the staff to sit on a chair and make sure she is able to give an eye contact. Anna must be seated in her day chair when having meal. Staff need to ensure that Anna is in an upright position. After the assessment done by SALT has also noted the aspiration can also because of the remaining food / drink in her mouth. To rid of that SALT recommended giving her an oral care after food fluid intake. By using a very soft toothbrush to clean the mouth can minimise risk or aspiration due to food fluid residue. And also it is important to maintain upright position for at least 30 minutes after having mouth care to reduce t he possibility of reflux. The recommendations from SALT is likely to help Anna to enjoy her meal. Her dysphasia techniques are continuing as it is recommended this will help to maintain the swallowing difficulty. Staff can contact the SALT if there is any new difficulty in eating and drinking and SALT will do the follow up / regular visits. Nancy Jimmi

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Community Wind Power And Institutional Arrangements Environmental Sciences Essay

The outgrowth of the job of scarceness of resources and the necessity to increase the sustainability of energy production has led to the development of different technological solutions and energy production systems. Wind energy can be considered an of import driver to forestall planetary heating by cut downing C emanations from electrical power coevals ( Sahin, 2004 ) . Furthermore wind turbine development is extremely distributed geographically and its potency still has to be exploited ( Archer et al. 2009 ) . Besides, we assist at a important addition of the demand for ‘micro-generation ‘ in urban and rural countries, in order to supply energy to isolated houses and as an option to the fuel monetary value addition ( Ibid, 2009 ) . Wind energy is safe, abundant and will probably represent an of import part to future clean, sustainable and diversified electricity supplies. Unlike other beginnings of energy, air current does non foul the ambiance and does non make any rel evant outwardness ( Sahin, 2004 ) . Consequently it is possible to anticipate that air current energy will lend significantly and on a planetary graduated table in work outing jobs such as clime alteration, the depletion of dodo fuel resources, every bit good as pollution ( Hoogwijk et al. , 2004 ; IEA, 2008 ) . Denmark stood out as one of the taking state in the field of air current energy production: the major portion of Danish air current turbines were purchased by the members of the local communities. Commercial investors or independent power manufacturers detains a comparatively little portion compared to other states. It is relevant to advert that community air current power has besides played a important function in Germany, Sweden, the Nederland and the UK. In this paper there is an effort to sum up the set of conditions and institutional variables that allowed the laterality of community wind power development instead than the commercial 1. Furthermore a treatment will follow about the characteristics of community air current power, the property-right governments and the characteristics of wind-rich countries as a populace or private good. For the intents of this paper community air current is defined as: locally owned substructure ( turbines ) to bring forth energy from air current, that is connected to the power grid and where one or more member of the local community have a important and direct interest in the undertaking ( Bolinger, 2004 ) . Continuing with the undermentioned subdivisions the reader will happen a brief historical overview of the air current energy sector in Europe and in peculiar in Denmark. The paper will go on supplying more inside informations about the features of the development public credence towards new tur bines undertakings in the Danish instance with a nexus to the alterations in the ownership forms. In the conclusive portion the characteristics of community air current will be discussed: are there relevant direction issues? Are at that place rivalry and excludability in the usage of the resource? Are wind turbines a common-pool resource? Through the comparing with the findings of the article written by Bolinger in 2004 some critical facets in the definition of wind-rich countries will be underlined.Some considerations on Wind EnergyWind energy is the fastest turning beginning of power coevals in Europe, consisting 40 % of all new electrical power capacity installed in the EU in 2008 ( EWEA, 2009 ) . Faced with energy crises in 1973 western states began to seek for clean and renewable energy beginnings like air current, solar or biomass. Besides, the pollution created by thermoelectric power workss and crude oil stuffs is dramatically polluting the atmospheric environment. Harmonizi ng to some bookmans, wind energy resources of Europe, are sufficient to fulfill all European ‘s electricity demand. Nowadays this will non be possible due to proficient restrictions to to the full use wind possible. Nevertheless elaborate surveies suggest that most states could cover between 10 % and 20 % of their entire demand of electricity utilizing air current turbines without any proficient alteration to the bing system ( Sahin 2004 ; Archer et al. , 2009 ) . As showed in Figure 1, during the last 20 old ages, air current energy has been object of an exponential growing. In add-on, its usage has been extended to industrial intents in some European states including Germany, Denmark and Spain ( Moller, 2008 ) .Figure: Global cumulative air current power capacity, 1990-2007 ( in MW ) . Source EWEA, 2008.Harmonizing to the informations provided by ewea in early 2004, about 70 % of the planetary air current power capacity resided in Europe. As indicated in Figure 1, in the suc ceeding old ages the comparative portion of European air current energy capacity is diminishing due to the installment of new turbines in the remainder of the universe, particularly in the United States. Traveling in inside informations in the European scenario, diffusion degrees in the electrical energy sector have reached 21 % in Denmark and approximately 7 % and 12 % in Germany and Spain severally ( ewea, 2004 ) . The infrastructural demands of air current power coevals are instead modest, while the possible direct benefits in employment are significantly high. About 90 % of the universe ‘s air current turbine makers are situated in Europe, with an aggregative one-year turnover of more than one billion Euros ( Sahin, 2004 ) . Figure: Technical development of air current turbines ( Garrad Hassan, 2001 ) The technological advancement of turbines design is a nucleus facet for the hereafter of air current energy production. Figure 2 outlines the betterments made from the 1980s, when turbines reached merely 15 metres, to the hereafter outlooks with estimate highs of more than 300 metres from the land. Sing that winds by and large increase with altitude above the land, the tallness of turbine ‘s wing profile will strongly act upon the generated power result. The following tabular array studies the variableness of air current velocity and specific power at different height.Table: Wind Speed and Specific Power at different Altitudes ( informations beginning: Archer et al. , 2009 )Height from Ground [ m ]Wind Speed [ m/s ]Specific Power [ W/mA? ]8007,2 205804,6 58103,3 22 Because of their copiousness, strength, and comparative doggedness, high height jet watercourse air currents are of peculiar involvement in air current power development. Despite periodic fluctuation, jet watercourses are instead relentless characteristics of the mid-latitudes in both hemispheres. Archer et Al. ( 2009 ) estimation that the entire air current energy that could be extracted from the jet watercourse is about 100 times the planetary energy demand. Several engineerings have been projected to work air current power at high heights. Most of them are still at an early phase of development: at the present clip some patents have been acquired by research groups but concern ventures or commercial-scale paradigms do non be. Besides high-level air current power engineering researches have non created any paradigm that has been tested long plenty to supply a changeless electricity coevals with associated cost effectivity ( Archer et al. , 2009 ) . Looking to the history of the instance of Denmark, a innovator state in air current energy development, three chief periods can be identified: slow growing of turbines ‘ figure until 1995, accelerated growing until 2001 and stagnancy and diminution since 2001 ( DEA, 2008 ) . This diminution after the millenary is ascribable to the increased impact on landscapes, the failure of the planning government and worse economic conditions due to the remotion of the fixed provender in duty ( Moller, 2008 ) . In add-on it is of import to advert that the presence of a strong domestic air current turbine fabrication industry has been an of import driver in Denmark. Sing the Danish instance, Moller summarize that â€Å" during the 25 old ages of air current energy enlargement the full circle has been made from alien, popular and welcome little graduated table option to everyday, progressively unpopular, and industrial graduated table development † . Actually the hereafter of air curre nt energy is seen off shore or related to the development of new engineerings ( Moller, 2008 ; Archer et al. , 2009 ) . In the undermentioned chapter of this paper the historical background of air current energy development in Denmark will be briefly summarized.Historical background of Wind energy in DenmarkThe history of air current energy development in Denmark is closely linked to several positive conditions: the beginnings of air current turbine fabrication were characterized by many little manufacturers, who were able to set up a competitory bunch of industries. In add-on good air current conditions, among the best in Europe, can be found on the West seashore and in the North West of the instead dumbly populated state ( Moller, 2010 ) . Get downing from the 1970s the development of air current energy in Denmark has gone through an incommensurable development, during which the engineering was pushed toward the more comfortable sector of the market and a series of be aftering systems were established ( Moller, 2010 ) . Until 1973 practically all of the electricity in Denmark was generated in big, centralized thermic power Stationss ( Hadjilambrinos, 2000 ) . Modern air current energy in Denmark has its turning point after the impact of the oil crises on the Danish energy system, farther stimulated by the anti-nuclear protests of that clip and by turning consciousness of the necessity of dependable supplies and renewable energy. Furthermore, the increasing political focal point on environmental protection and sustainable development provided the general model for the enlargement of the wind-energy sector ( Moller, 2010 ; Saidur et al. , 2010 ) . Denmark has been a leader state in the progress of modern air current powe r during the first portion of its commercial history. Then, after the transition from small-scale undertakings to a large-scale industry, it arrived to bring forth resistance from the society against new installings ( Hvelplund, 2006 ) . The Danish Energy Agency ( DEA ) study that, in the period 1970-1985, there was a little addition in Numberss of turbines, while workss tripled their generating capacity. Until the twelvemonth 2001 wind energy increased making adulthood in footings of measure and size. Besides, during the period subsequent the twelvemonth 2000, older installings have been removed after ended utile life-time and due to re-powering policies. Currently it has been noticed no farther enlargement in figure of turbines except for the hard-on of two big offshore undertakings. Another more recent tendency is that air current energy delivered to the power web is diminishing ( Moller, 2010 ; DEA, 2008 ) . A major driver to the decrease of the figure of new turbines was of economic character: the former fixed feed-in duty was abolished after the twelvemonth 2000, doing air current energy investings progressively dependent on unpredictable market monetary values ( Agnolucci, 2007 ) . Besides, after 2003, merely really few locations obtained be aftering permissions and sufficient economic feasibleness. Nowadays the poorer economic system of air current energy undertakings and the deficiency of planning grants for undertakings lead to an about complete deadlock of land based wind energy development in the Danish district. Merely few municipalities are now positive towards the building new land based undertakings and the location of new turbines is a sensitive issue in the public argument ( Moller, 2010 ) . It is of import to underscore that turbines development has come at a cost: ocular impact on valuable landscapes, socially inconvenient investings and erroneous ownership forms are amid the chief errors that have been made during the extremum of air current energy enlargement.Development of public credence in DenmarkWind energy in Denmark, as noted in the old subdivision, by and large relied in a high public credence ( Krohn and Damborg, 1999 ; Ladenburg, 2008 ) . One of the chief drivers to obtain public credence with a fast air current turbine development was ownership forms: Moller noticed that â€Å" public ordinance granted a proportion of the air current capacity to be erected by publically owned public-service corporations and, more significantly, statute law stimulated the formation of local air current energy co-ops with limited ownership of portions in air current turbine undertakings within occupants ‘ municipalities † . Thus, get downing from the twelvemonth 1994, local municipalities obliged to apportion zone for air current power development, for this ground most of Danish air current turbines are owned by one or more local occupants. This allow the distribution of income watercourses from air current energy sector to local communities. It is relevant to advert that the first association of air current turbine proprietors was formed on 4 May 1978, and the first air current turbine co-op was established in 1980. Public engagement and the economic engagement on equal footings increase significantly local credence ( Toke et Al. , 2008 ) . Wind energy planning regulations are another important factor when recognizing a undertaking, in Denmark planning regulations have evolved over clip. In the early old ages and during the class of the 1980s a planning mandate was given by local governments on simple distance regulations, which has led to turn up turbines in extremely seeable countries, nearby parts of natural attraction and scenic value. During the early 1990s force per unit area on landscapes grew and there was call for a nationally coordinated planning scheme. Restrictions came in topographic point delegating specific and sole countries where the air current turbines could be built. Municipal and regional governments began to develop repowering strategy to replace the old substructure and concentrate the new turbines in the selected locations. The new market ordinance for air current energy in the old ages after 2000 determined a perceptibly lower income and greater insecurity sing the net incomes of new air current energy undertakings. As already mentioned the chief driver was the terminal of the fixed feed-in duty in favour of market monetary values determined on the Nordic power market Nordpool plus a compensation for the decrease of CO2 ( Moller, 2010 ) . In the same period larger scale developments were progressively the portion of private investings instead than co-ops. As a effect the public argument was increasing its resistance and opposition against those big scale undertakings due to reduced engagement of the local community and to take down expected returns.Small Scale Wind Farms: Ownership FormsMany researches in the literature on the subject agree in the positive correlativity between public credence and community ownership ( Moller, 2010 ; Toke et Al. , 2008 and Walker, 2008 ) . In this chapter the reader ca n happen a brief overview of the different signifier of community ownership. There are many undertakings that involve community ownership, through fiscal investing or managerial control, and have achieved community engagement in different sums and in different ways ( Stamford, 2004 ) . Undertakings can be to the full community owned, or may be under co-owner-ship agreements with the private sector, for illustration when local community possesses one turbine in a larger air current farm. The generated energy can be introduced into the national grid instead than being used locally or can be both produced and consumed locally. There are different legal and fiscal theoretical accounts of ownership ; these include ( Walker, 2008 ) : Cooperatives. Persons or households in the local community become members of the co-op and purchase portions to finance the undertaking. Community charities. Normally are formed in one association with charitable standing that provides or manage installations for the local community, such as local associations which use renewable energy to heat or power their constructions. Development trusts. Represent communities ‘ involvements in income coevals houses, and in some instances include discrepancies of community belongings. Shares owned by a local community organisation. Local community organisation obtains portions in a concern undertaking ; in the instance of air current farms the gifting of one of more turbines to the local community. In some instances the community may hold a partial ownership therefore possesses merely limited rights to command or to influences in to determination devising. These different theoretical accounts raise of import inquiries as to who the ‘community ‘ is that may have or part-own an energy undertaking. Complications will originate when persons have no advantage from air current energy and protest against its development. Besides touristry is a viing usage for land, even though researches from Denmark have revealed that air current energy development may heighten the green image of a state ( Krohn and Damborg, 1999 ) . In general it is possible to reason that an inauspicious attitude towards wind energy development is frequently conveyed by persons without benefit from air current sector ( Moller, 2010 ) .Institutional agreements for the success of community wind power in Denmark.As pointed out in the old subdivisions Denmark stood out as one of the taking state in the fiel d of air current energy production: the major portion of Danish air current turbines were bought by members of the local communities. Commercial or independent power manufacturers own a comparatively little portion compared to other instances. It is relevant to advert that community air current power has besides played a important function in Germany, Sweden, the Nederland and the UK. In this chapter will be outlined the set of conditions and institutional variables that allowed the laterality of community wind power development instead than the commercial 1. As first measure some definitions will be provided to the reader in order to clear up the nomenclature that will be used throughout the following paragraphs. Hall and Taylor ( 1996 ) define establishments as formal or informal processs, modus operandis, norms and conventions embedded in the organisational construction of the civil order or political economic system. They can change from the regulations of a legal order or the standard operating processs of an disposal to the understandings that govern trade brotherhood actions or bank-enterprise dealingss. Toke et Al. ( 2008 ) use this definition to weave energy development as â€Å" decision-making constructions, signifiers of organisation of air current power, be aftering systems and norms and understandings, which underpin wind power policy and patterns † . Besides, for the intents of this paper, community air current is defined as: locally owned substructure ( turbines ) to bring forth energy from air current, that is conn ected to the power grid and where one or more member of the local community have a important and direct interest in the undertaking ( Bolinger, 2004 ) . The following tabular array outlines the institutional variables that permitted the development of the community wind energy sector in Denmark. It comprises several elements: Financial procurance system report the chief economic tool promoted by the authorities that assisted the energy manufacturers to guarantee a fiscal profitableness to the undertaking ; in the instance of Denmark a fixed monetary value was set by authorities for the electricity produced by air current turbines. Fiscal stableness indicates if the fiscal support was changeless over clip ; in the Danish instance the feed-in duty system terminated in the twelvemonth 2001. Economic Involvement highlight the chief ownership forms ; in Denmark local community and persons are the chief histrions involved in turbines undertakings.Table: Institutional Variables in Denmark ( Toke et al. , 2008 )VariableDanmarkFinancial procurance system ( chief type ) Feed in duty fixed monetary value for a given sum of electricity Fiscal stableness Stable ( until 2001 ) Economic Engagement Local private ownership Grassroots enterprises ( historical roots ) Local community anti-nuclear Grassroots ( related to dom. political relations ) Supported Grassroots initiatives points out the historical grounds and cases of society that fostered the development of air current energy sector ; the environmental and anti-nuclear motions in Denmark strongly supported air current turbines growing. Grassroots related to political issues underline if the national politicians supported wind energy ; the Danish authorities created a proper policy model and gave conspicuous fiscal support. The old treatment shows that community ownership contributed to heighten the development of air current energy in Europe. Precisely, community ownership has increased public credence of air current power, allowed to bring forth benefits for different histrions, improved the fabrication industry, and provided a big and comparatively low-priced beginning of capital to finance air current energy undertakings. For case, feed-in Torahs that give air current power electricity an extra premium monetary values have created available, solid, and profitable markets for community air current undertakings in Denmark ( Cohen, 2001 ) . Feed-in duties provided long-standing gross certainty with comparatively low dealing costs. Presents, Denmark is the universe ‘s largest air current power manufacturer and besides leads the rankings with the highest portion of electricity provided from air current turbines in the universe ( Stamford, 2004 ) . Stamford references besides that Denmark â€Å" has the largest installed offshore capacity in the universe and is characterized by a history of strong research and development ( R & A ; D ) support, capital subsidies and strong community inducements † .Discussion and DecisionThroughout this paper the historical conditions that allowed the success of community air current development have been outlined. In peculiar community ownership has increased public credence of air current power, allowed to bring forth benefits for different histrions, improved the fabrication industry, and provided a big and comparatively low-priced beginning of capital to finance air current energy undertakings. In this reasoning portion there is a treatment about the characteristics of community wind power related to property-right governments and the characteristics of wind-rich countries as a populace or private good. Bolinger ( 2004 ) argues that â€Å" weave energy can be considered a public good, or a parks, even in the classical sense † . A figure of conditions have to be satisfied: Communities obtain net income from air current farms normally pull offing and using wind-rich countries, which are used for intents that are suited to weave turbine development, such as agribusiness or fringy land. Another characteristic of a parks is the scarceness of a resource, in the instance of air current energy there are a limited figure of wind-rich locations. Besides, air current energy shows turning costs of development with increasing sums of resources used. A proper direction is needed in order to avoid land debasement or struggle when there is a common usage of fringy lands. Land is a limited resource and direction becomes a necessity to keep productiveness. Therefore it is clear that land with a good air current government is a limited resource, which can bring forth grosss to a local community if decently planned and managed. In the instance of Denmark local community is the chief stakeholder that use wind resources to make local income, maintain landscape values and contribute to sustainable energy supply of future coevalss. Analyzing the belongings rights government of community wind it is apparent that, for wind-rich countries, excludability ( or control of entree ) exists ; in other words wind-rich countries have boundaries. Besides, the resource is held by an identifiable community of independent users ( E.g. Danish municipality ) . These users exclude foreigners while modulating usage by members of the community. Subtractability ( or competition ) is the beginning of the possible divergency between single and corporate reason that means, if each user is capable of deducting from the public assistance of other users ( Feeny, 1990 ) . Sing a air current farm we notice that the velocity of air current lessening when it base on balls by a turbine ‘s spiral. In pattern this means that a limited sum of turbines can be installed in order to avoid competition between users. Bolinger ( 2004 ) in his article defines air current as a public good and examines the possibility of over-utilization from a local community of its wind-rich countries and argues that â€Å" there will non be a direct debasement of land that threatens future air current power coevals. The sick consequence of over-utilization will be that landscapes themselves acquire degraded visually † . This is contrast with the old decisions: the characteristics of wind-rich countries ( excludability and competition ) suggest sorting air current energy as a private good or nine good in some instance where competition is limited ( E.g. offshore wind farms ) ; furthermore the over-utilization may take to a direct lessening of the air current energy coevals potency and to conflict between users. The whole scope of factors that have been outlined point out the importance of the proper direction of air current energy with the engagement of the community. Wind sector has a immense development potency for the hereafter is safe, abundant and will probably represent an of import part to clean, sustainable and diversified electricity supplies. As already mentioned it is to anticipate that air current energy will lend significantly and on a planetary graduated table in work outing jobs such as clime alteration, the depletion of dodo fuel resources, every bit good as pollution ( Hoogwijk et al. , 2004 ; IEA, 2008 ) .

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Customer relationship management

Customer relationship is not a new concept; companies have been interacting and dealing with customers since the inception of trade. Earlier more focus and attention was on product and services instead of customer centric. With increase in competition because of globalization and usage of internet changed the picture of business. Customers have variety to choose from, more knowledge about the companies and products surely has titled power at customers’ side. With this scenario, companies realize the need of treating customers with utmost care. Therefore, searching for innovative ways to manage relationships effectively, not only to acquire new customers but also to retain the existing one. â€Å"CRM is the process of managing detailed information about individual customers and carefully managing all the customer ‘touch points’ with an aim of maximum customer loyalty† Acquiring new customers can cost five times more than costs involved in satisfying and retaining current customers. More companies are recognizing the importance of satisfying and retaining customers, which constitute the company’s relationship capital To retain the customers’ better approach is to deliver high customer satisfaction. Customer relationship management is about taking a long term approach to building relationships with customers. In olden days, business people and organizations would know their customer base from seeing them on a daily basis and learning their preference based on the relationship they shared with the customers. CRM is emerged as critical for organization in 1960’s where marketers found that 4p’s of marketing framework-product, price, place and promotion were less valuable without ongoing relationships with customers. Companies started putting customers in the middle of marketing program. In early days of CRM, there was no technology to support what companies were doing. CRM is not new, over the years companies has had to figure out how to build relationships with customers and lead to brand loyalty. The goal in CRM is to evolve from a mass marketing model, which was on product centric market structure to customer centric structure. Managing customer relationships successfully means learning about the habits and needs of your customers anticipating future buying patterns, finding new opportunities to add value to the relationship. Successful companies make the relationship something the customer values more than anything else they could receive from the competition. Company experience with customer not only with transactions but also with interaction like website visit, phone, call center and by direct mail. CRM helps in developing marketing programs that make sense to each customer segment, support cross-selling and customer retention programs, help to maximize the value of each customer’s interaction and deliver a consistent branding message by aligning products and services within each channel. CRM provides an integrated view of a company’s customer to every one in the organization so that customer can be serviced effectively. CRM helps companies to gather and access information about the customers’ buying histories, preferences, complaints. It allows tracing the needs of the customers and means to satisfy them effectively. The following are the aims of CRM: †¢ Increase efficiency of the organization †¢ Ability to provide quicker response to customer queries and complaints †¢ Getting insight of customer needs †¢ Providing more cross-selling opportunities †¢ Organized information to manage and lead †¢ Reduction in cost and increase in productivity †¢ Receiving customer feedback †¢ Providing common platform for customer communication and interaction. Today consumers are more educated, more and better informed, more technology savvy coupled with increase competition in the market. Organization needs to build a system which allows you to track, capture and analyze the millions of customer activities, both interactions and transactions, over a long period of time. This helps in creating promotions, developing new products and designing communication programs to attract and retain customers. By 1980s â€Å"relationship marketing â€Å"was used to describe this new focus of understanding customer segments, delivering ongoing quality service and high customer satisfaction. In 1990s computer systems were deployed to support sales and service process. Sales force automation system evolved while customer service and support systems became backbone of automated call centers. By late 1990s increase in internet usage supported e-business applications to manage online customer and partner relationships, called as e-CRM and partner relationship management. CRM emerged as discipline of set of discrete software and technologies that focus on automating and improving the business processes associated with and improving the business processes associated with managing customer relationships in the areas of sales, marketing, customer-service and support. Customer relationship management applications are most active software available to the organizations. Three converging trends have enabled the emergence of CRM applications as a major force in the market place. The fist trend is the availability of robust, scale decision support technology. This helps companies collect vast quantities of data from multiple, heterogeneous sources, such as accounting, manufacturing, human resources, sales force automation, and customer service applications. This provides the technological foundation for building a consolidated enterprise wide view of the customer. The second trend is the emergence of front-office applications. This focus on the sales and the marketing departments, and essentially transactional in nature. The third trend is the emergence of the one-to-one marketing phenomenon has helped companies to have their marketing activities focus on customer, rather than on their products, distributors, sales force or suppliers. Now â€Å"Multi channel CRM† systems available to support direct, internet and partner channels, while allowing users to use whatever mode of communication they are pleased. CRM started with marketing era focusing on customer needs and wants and satisfying it effectively which drive changes in the organization and work processes. It must start with a business strategy. CRM is really about using tools not only to achieve the personal relationships business but even to predict and serve the future needs. Major support and change came for CRM is technology break through since two decade which played a significant part in not only managing good relationship with customers but also with the partners of the organizations.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Similarities Between The Tell Tale Heart And The Black Cat

Edgar Allan Poe was a man who wrote poems and short stories of mystery and macabre from the ages 18 to 40, where he then died of unknown reasons. Poe’s writing had a consistent theme throughout them at a certain point. That theme was that he couldn’t get over his wife’s death; she had died of tuberculosis. Two of these stories were titled â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat.† In â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† a man kills another man because his eye made him feel weak and fragile. He hid the body in the floor only to be found out later because his own heart and mind were beating so hard he couldn’t take the guilt and admitted to the murder. Then, in â€Å"The Black Cat,† a man rips the eye out of his own cat then later hangs it. After that, he†¦show more content†¦In â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† the narrator says that he could bear those hypocritical smiles no longer! I felt that I must scream or die! A nd now --again! --hark! louder! louder! louder! louder! †¦ â€Å"I admit the deed! --tear up the planks! here, here! --It is the beating of his hideous heart†Ã¢â‚¬  (Poe 3)! Then in â€Å"The Black Cat,† the narrator says that it was â€Å"No sooner had the reverberation of my blows sunk into silence, then I was answered by a voice from within the tomb! -by a cry†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ â€Å"a dozen stout arms were toiling at the wall. It fell bodily. The corpse, already greatly decayed and clotted with gore, stood erect before the eyes of the spectator.† (Poe 5). So, in â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† the narrator gets found out because there was a noise in his head in which wasn’t real, yet it still was a noise that caused him to admit to the murder and get caught. Yet, in â€Å"The Black Cat,† the narrator taps on the exact wall of where the body is with a cane, and a cry answers him while the police were investigated, thus his own noise caused him to be caught. A final comparison in both stories is that the narrator is driven insane by an eye. In â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,† the narrator explained that the old man had â€Å"the eye of a vulture - a pale blue, eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees --very gradually --I made up my mind to take the life of the old man† (Poe 1). Then, in â€Å"The Black Cat,† the narrator, afterShow MoreRelatedEssay on A Comparison of The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat832 Words   |  4 PagesA Comparison of The Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe was an American poet and writer who is regarded as a master of the macabre, focusing on the horror genre with themes of death and insanity being explored throughout his work. Many traits of his main characters, such as the alcohol abuse of the protagonist in The Black Cat are borrowed from his own experiences, with the demons of drugs and alcohol eventually driving Poe to his death. His stories inRead MoreEdgar All Poes Style901 Words   |  4 PagesEdgar Allen Poe’s style in The Black Cat and Tell-Tale Heart In many of Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories, a reader can encounter with many similarities of style and technique. In this paper, I am going to state the similarities of The Black Cat and Tell-Tale Heart to understand Poe style in short stories. To start with, in both of the stories, the setting is jail because the main characters of two stories are criminals. Such an entrance to the stories enables the reader’s attention to be moreRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart And The Black Cat1612 Words   |  7 Pagesdifferences in his works. In two of his works, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat†, he uses the fatalities of his mother and wife to write two great stories. Although â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat† by Edgar Allen Poe seem similar on the surface because of the happiness in the beginning of the stories and the murders by the end, whereas they both represent the pain Poe dealt with in their own way. In both â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat†, both main characters murder innocent peopleRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart And The Black Cat1612 Words   |  7 Pagesdifferences in his works. In two of his works, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat†, he uses the fatalities of his mother and wife to write two great stories. Although â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat† by Edgar Allen Poe seem similar on the surface because of the happiness in the beginning of the stories and the murders by the end, whereas they both represent the pain Poe dealt with in their own way. In both â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat†, both main characters murder innocent peopleRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart And The Black Cat786 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† and â€Å"The Black Cat† are two short stories written by Edgar Allan Poe. Both stories share the elements of death and outrageousness; both have frightening night time scenes as well. In both of the short stories the protagonists of both stories seem to have very little or nothing in common. Their marital status, living conditions, and responsibilities are very different. If the reader looks more closely, the two men appear alike in many ways: both share their criminal historyRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado, By Edgar Allen Poe1073 Words   |  5 Pagesobsession with death and loss can be seen in most of his writings. If one looks carefully at five of Poe’s writings, â€Å"The Raven,† â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,† â€Å"The Tell -Tale Heart,† â€Å"The Black Cat,† and â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher,† one can see that there are patterns and similarities in his many diverse stories. However, despite some similarities, Poe’s main characters are generally different. Within the five aforementioned stories, it is clear that the main characters are all easily recognizable andRead MoreCommen Elemements of Fiction 1570 Words   |  7 Pagesconsists of a dark and gothic mood; mostly due to the fact that his actual life was worse than his stories. For those who have read a few of his stories or poems you might notice a similarity in plot. In his worksâ€Å" The Cask of Amontillado,† â€Å" The Black Cat,† and â€Å" The Tell-Tale Heart,† there is clear similarity of plot between the three stories. In â€Å" The Cask of Amontillado,† the reader is introduced to two characters, Montresor and Fortunato. They meet a carnival that is occurring in what appears ItalyRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Tell Tale Heart1541 Words   |  7 Pagesstories such as: â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†, â€Å"The Black Cat†, and â€Å"The Oval Portrait †. Although his thoughts were portrayed in morbid and malignant ways, the underlying tones embodied in his writings have to do with some of the internal struggles every human battles through on a daily basis. Love and Hate is just one example of the many themes running through Poe’s works, but it stands to be one of the more prominent messages that he was trying to voice. â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† is told from the pointRead MoreThe Life and Writings of Edgar Allan Poe1023 Words   |  5 Pagesis one of the most brilliant literary writers in history. He wrote many poems and short stories throughout his rather short lifetime, most of which encompassed such themes as death, destruction, and madness. These intriguing, and often frightening tales, as well as his clever use of a multitude of literary tactics, is what set him apart from the rest, and what makes him so popular still today. Reading his work, one is sure to wonder where these ideas came from. However, a little research into pastRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s Father Of American Gothicism1178 Words   |  5 Pageswe can see that most of his writing there are patters and similarities, even thought, Poe’s main characters are generally different. Thus, aside from a common theoretical basis, there is a psychological intensity that is characteristic of Poe’s writings, especially the tales of horror that comprise his best and best-known works. These works include  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Black Cat,†Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Cask of Amontillado,†Ã‚  and  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Tell-Tale Heart. In his Gothic tales, Poe also employed an essentially symbolic, almost allegorical